Sunday, May 27, 2012

Kenya Bound!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

It’s been awhile since I blogged, so I’ve got to shake the dust off and remember how this goes! It was a fast finish to a great year again at Still Creek, and I just finished Thursday, meaning that Africa went into full throttle Friday and today! I’m getting more excited as we get closer to leaving and my nerves are giving way to a fresh anticipation of what awaits us next week! We will be working with a church and orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya as well as in a village, started by Pastor Tom Abungu. We leave on Monday, May 28th and return on June 14th.

Once again, I ask for your prayers! I’m traveling with a team of 6 from Albuquerque, NM! Here’s a brief description of the people I’ll be traveling with:
Zach Grafe: Zach is the worship and missions pastor for Celebration Baptist Church outside of Albuquerque, and he’s the one who organized this trip. He is a good friend from A&M who invited me to travel with the group this summer!  
Gerald Grafe: Gerald is a patent lawyer out of Albuquerque, NM. He will be organizing and teaching a worldview curriculum for a conference in Nairobi, Kenya. He will primarily working with pastors and the men of the church there.
David Brittain: David is the pastor for Celebration Baptist Church and he’ll be joining Gerald in the organizing and teaching the worldview curriculum. He’s also looking to deepen the bond between Celebration and the church we’re working with in Nairobi, as they’re developing a permanent sisterhood between the two churches.
Elise Grafe: Elise just graduated from University of Tulsa and is pursuing different jobs for the fall. She will be working with the children’s group as we do VBS four days with the kids in both Nairobi and a village. She will be staying a few weeks after we leave to work with a second orphanage in Kenya as well!
Angie Robbs: Angie is the mother of 5, including one boy she and her husband adopted from Ethiopia last year! Angie will be working with our VBS program and she also heads up an organization called Hydration 2 Others (H2O) which raises money to put in clean water wells in Kenyan villages which don’t have access to clean water. We’ll launch 2 new wells while we’re there!
From our descriptions, you got a piece of what we’ll be doing- a little bit of everything! We’ll be doing VBS, worldview discipleship, outreach conferences, well installations, and helping wherever else we’re needed! It will be a whirlwind trip, but we know God’s going to do huge things while we’re there! We’re so blessed to be partnering with Pastor Tom, and to see, learn from, and embrace the body of believers there! Please pray for unity, safety, health, and that God will completely and totally clear the way for us! Thanks for your support!!!

1 comment:

  1. We'll be praying for you! God bless you guys in your trip and your ministry!!
