Monday, June 11, 2012

In the village again...

June 7th, 2012
When we got up this morning, our plans changed again as we did not have insurance to drive out that morning.  So, instead, Gerald acted as our bodyguard as us women went to the school and Pastor David and Zach went back to teach at the church.  We had a great day at the school, and God’s grace carried me through as I slept incredibly restlessly the night before.  We sang with the kids, they remembered their verses, we taught the new lessons and gave them their bracelets.  They beamed as we tied the bracelets on, laughing and smiling at us. 

We ate a short lunch, in which Gerald tried desperately to teach the locals what “I’m not hungry” means, but they took that to mean, “I don’t have a plate” so they quickly remedied the situation!  Elise taught him that if you just take a little rice and push it around some while they’re not looking, it looks like you ate!  We gave out some sponsors gifts and some supplies for the school and headed out to pick up the boys next.  When we arrived at the church, the men were finishing up their teaching, so we went inside to sit and hear the end.  It was what I’d imagine for a mid-1800s one room church house from the US except the floors were all red gravel.  They used plastic lawn chairs for pews, with aisles down the middle and sides.  It had a rustic plains feel with the red bricks and sunlight peering through holes in the walls! 

We left soon after to make sure we were back to the homestead by dark- I was incredibly appreciative of it!  While we arrived back early enough to have dinner at a somewhat decent time, we did it the Kenyan way and waited until around 9 to start fixing it!  While we waited, though, Zach and I broke out the guitars, and both Kenyans and Americans gathered around to sing to our King!  Somehow, worship can heal me in a way little else can, and I felt the love of God wash over me, pouring through the pains of the night before, reminding me that God just and He is loving!  To sing His praises under a light bright of flickering white lights on the blackest paper never ceases to leave me in awe!  I soon fell asleep under the amazingness of it all!

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