Monday, June 4, 2012

Life to the Fullest :)

May 31, 2012
Today was another amazing day!  I’m sorry, that sounds so cliché.  Let me make up for it…

We split off of the men today, as they went to teach a Pastor’s and Worldview conference at the old children’s center about a 10 minute walk away.  We once again started off the day with slight confusion to how exactly VBS was going to go, but Pastor Tom’s wife Anna quickly solved our dilemma.  We decided to combine classes 4, 5 and 6 and to teach them all at the same time, followed by class 3 and ending with class 2.  Classes 4, 5 and 6 definitely got the box seats, as we took our time with the lesson, while class 3 was on the first deck and class 2 was in the nosebleed section!  It may not have been that dramatic, but our lessons definitely became more abbreviated as the day went on, with class 1 merely getting the radio broadcast of the gift of a salvation bracelet without the lesson (to be fair, though, they understand very little English, so we’re focusing on the older classes more…)

Elise reviewed the previous day’s material with the classes who had seen it before, and taught it for the first time to the kids in class 2.  The kids were enthralled with her beautiful artwork depicting God’s glory in creation and the incredible mess we made of everything.   Next, we had the kids make salvation card books- small index card sized laminated books with each of the 6 verses typed in a cute font on its own page with the salvation bracelet color represented as the background!  The kids did an amazing job with it, and they all pinned them to their shirts when they were finished (the books were bound with safety pins- thanks Mom, it was a FANTASTIC idea!), creating a whole hoard of kids who literally had God’s Word on their hearts which simultaneously meant everyone was now wearing name-tags!

Then, I got to talk with them about Jesus’ miracles.  As most of you know I definitely lack in the artistic realm of the world, I had to rely on my sheer craziness and bouts of unfathomable energy to carry us through!  But really, who could be bored hearing about Jesus’ miracles?!  I mean, they’re AWESOME (thanks, Grace Bible Church for deepening my understanding of them over the past semester!) and they so deeply reflect who God is!  I honestly didn’t have to conjure up much energy- it just boils over when I think about how amazing Jesus’ LIFE was here on earth!  I mean, feeding 5000 people on 5 loaves and 2 fish?  Healing the lame?  DYING on the CROSS?!  It’s incredible!  Maybe that’s why God tells us to talk about Jesus’ life every day!

After teaching 2 classes, we went outside for a break with the kids while we waited for the rice to finish cooking.  Since we didn’t have time during the lesson for songs, I pulled out the guitar and sat outside, and a mob began crushing in as every child pushed for a front row seat, making the front row eventually on top of the guitar!  The kids LOVE singing, so we can sing the same song 800 times and if I say, “Again?!” they’ll exclaim “Yes!”  I ran out of the planned 4 songs within a few minutes, and in a desperate attempt to not drive all the adults crazy with “Rejoice in the Lord Always” for the 801st time, I asked the kids for some other English songs they knew.  We played a few, but my favorite was by far “Awesome God.” 

Some of you know I have a deep seeded love and passion for the musical genius of Rich Mullins and I’ve probably listened to most of his songs a hundred times over.  But “Awesome God” will always trump the rest, and I’ve probably listened to it thousands of times!  The story of creation, the fall, our Redemption and God’s general awesomeness never fails to move me greatly.  In fact, in typing this, I had to pause to turn it on!  But today I realized the only thing better than Rich Mullins singing “Awesome God” was a shore of African orphans, pouring out their hearts to God, singing with the rich African tones of worship that I so envy!  We may have sung that one 8001 times!  I just couldn’t stop playing it, and they only sounded better over time!  I found myself closing my eyes, hearing angels in the highest join in the sweet fragrant worship of orphans, worthless to the world, but priceless jewels in the kingdom of God.  And off to the side, my 4th grade boys were dancing and using the motions I taught them earlier.  They were free, unhindered by fear or shame in their desperate desire to sing to God.  And that brought tears to my eyes. 

I know there’s probably a thousand other things I could share from today with you, but that’s my take away from the day- John 10:10, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.  I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it to the fullest!”  Satan has stolen, killed and destroyed these children.  He has broken their spirits, crushed their hope, and filled them with a sense of worthlessness.  But Jesus came that they may have LIFE, and not just in heaven, but today, in THIS VERY MOMENT, and that they may have it to the FULLEST!  And these kids have been redeemed through this promise- they are living life to the fullest, one twinkling smile on their face is proof of that!  And the beautiful thing is that God has saved you and I from no less- Satan sought to steal, kill and destroy our lives, but Jesus has redeemed MY life that I may live it to the fullest!  I pray that these beautiful orphans and our team will truly learn to live life to the fullest, every single day no matter what Satan schemes against us!  He who the Son sets free is free indeed!

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